Press1500 2

press reports

The Amalfi hiking trail in the press

Our hiking route on the Amalfi Coast is very popular! The following magazines and newspapers have already reported on the long-distance hike:

Die ZEIT (November 30, 2022): (pay wall)

OUTDOOR Magazine (10/19/2022):

GEO Season (August 2021): (only as e-paper)


Amalfi Hiking Trail View of the Amalfi Coast from the Sentiero dei Limoni

Variant with fixed accommodation

If you want to take a more relaxed approach to your hiking holiday and don't like to hike from place to place with luggage, you might be interested in a variant with fixed accommodation instead of a long-distance hike. To cover the entire hiking route with individual day hikes from a fixed starting point, however, two different stops and numerous bus trips are necessary! The journey times by bus should not be underestimated: in some cases, 60 min official travel time is to be expected (not counting traffic jams on the narrow coastal road). For each hiking day, you should therefore allow about 2 hours extra for the outward and return journeys.

In the following table, all bus connections from Amalfi or Sorrento to the respective start and end points of the stages are linked. It is therefore theoretically possible to do the entire long-distance hike from two overnight accommodation locations, but it is quite complicated. Either plan enough time for this or do without one or two stages. Recommendation: Book the overnight stays first and then decide spontaneously on the spot.

Starting point / Overnight stayStage for the dayDirections (link to journey (link to in each case)
AmalfiStage 1SITA bus to Raito/Vietri sul MareSITA bus from Maiori
AmalfiStage 2SITA bus to Maiori-
AmalfiStage 3-SITA Bus from Bomerano
AmalfiStage 4SITA bus to BomeranoSITA bus or boat from Positano
Change of location from Amalfi to SorrentoSITA Bus to Sorrento
SorrentoStage 5SITA bus to Colli S. PietroSITA bus from Sant'Agata sui Due Golfi
Attention: The stage destination Schiazzano is poorly served by public transport, so you should continue hiking from Torca to Sant'Agata.
SorrentoStage 6SITA bus to Termini-

Accommodation tips for Amalfi and Sorrento

Current path condition - Please provide feedback

In spring, it can happen that the paths on the less frequented parts of the long-distance hike are somewhat overgrown. This affects stages 1 and 5, where some hikers have reported problems in the past in the months of May and June. Although the hiking trails are maintained by the Italian Alpine Association CAI (Club Alpino Italiano), it can still happen from time to time that you can't get away fast enough from the overgrown nature.

Therefore, all hikers after you would be very grateful for timely feedback on the current trail condition! Please leave a comment with the following information:

  • Hiking date
  • assessed stage (especially for stage 1 and 5)
  • current path condition:
    • Grade 1: can be walked with short hiking trousers without problems
    • Grade 2: good walking, but long hiking trousers are recommended
    • Grade 3: difficult to walk on even with long hiking trousers
    • Grade 4: heavy overgrowth, thorny bushes

Another source of information on the state of the trail (especially in the case of temporary closures) is the website of the local section of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) at

Long-distance hiking on the Amalfi Coast - now also available in paperback!

For a long time now, our eBook on long-distance hiking on the Amalfi Coast has been available for free download on our website. This will not change in the future either!

However, we have also published the pdf file of the eBook with the print-on-demand provider ePubli. The book is there now in DIN A6 format with soft cover binding available. So if you prefer to hike "classically" with a hiking guide in hand than with your smartphone or if you don't want to carry around a loose collection of A4 printouts with you, you can order the book now. Since each order is printed individually (print-on-demand), the delivery time can sometimes be 14 days.

The content is completely identical to the free pdf version, the price for the paperback version is based on the printing costs. The book can also be purchased in normal bookshops, stating the ISBN 978-3-750258-67-9 usually be ordered.


The same content as in the free eBook - but as a real book (softcover DIN A6)