Maps & GPS route information

We offer all routes recommended on this website as free downloads in GPX file format. The GPX file format is a standard file format for route information and waypoints. It can be opened, for example, with the Outdooractive smartphone map app we recommend ( This free app is available for all popular smartphones (including Android and iOS).

Due to numerous inquiries, we have created instructions for the Outdooractive app. You can find them here:

We also offer PDF hiking maps for the Amalfi Coast to download and print out yourself, as well as an e-book: PDF hiking map at a scale of 1:15,000.

GPS route download - stage 1

GPX file download for the section "Salerno - Maiori" (stage 1)

GPS route download - stage 2

GPX file download for the section "Maiori - Amalfi/Pogerola" (stage 2)

GPS route download - stage 3

GPX file download for the section "Amalfi/Pogerola - Bomerano (stage 3)

GPS route download - stage 4

GPX file download for the section "Bomerano - Positano" (stage 4)

GPS route download - stage 5

GPX file download for the section "Colli S. Pietro - Schiazzano" (stage 5)

GPS route download - stage 6 - short variant

GPX file download for the "Schiazzano - Sorrento" section (stage 6, short variant)

GPS route download - stage 6 - long variant

GPX file download for the "Schiazzano - Sorrento" section (stage 6,longer variant)

GPS route download - Detour to Monte Vico Alvano

GPX file download for the detour to Monte Vico Alvano (between stages 4 and 5)

GPS route download - stage 4 - long panoramic variant above Positano

GPX file download for the section "Bomerano - Colli S. Pietro" (long variant of stage 4)